Manicure, pedicure

Manicure, pedicure

Manicure is cosmetic care applications for fingernails and hands. At the same time, Pedicure is cosmetic care and treatments applied to toenails and feet. Cutting and shaping the nails, pushing and trimming the cuticles, moisturizing the hands and painting the nails apply to both cosmetic services. Maltepe Beauty Salon strives to offer you manicure and pedicure services at the highest level. All your questions can be answered via Form or You can forward it via WhatsApp.

Pina Beauty Salon is in our shop Permanent nail polish, Prosthetic Nail and Gel nail services separately.

Maltepe Manicure 

Manicure services are performed with care and attention by our experts. Our Pina Beauty Center is always at your service for your manicure and pedicure needs. Additionally, paraffin treatment, gel nails, permanent nail polish and prosthetic nail painting services are also available. In addition, you can find French pedicure and many other services at Pina.

Manicure Prices 

Manicure prices vary depending on the services the person wants. You can get detailed information about manicure prices, processes and services by getting support from our expert staff.. Communication.

Maltepe Pedicure 

Pedikür uygulaması, Ayak sağlığı ve ayak tırnaklarının bakımı, temizlenmesini ve güzelleştirilmesini içeren pedikür her yaştan kadın bireylerin yapması gereken bir uygulamadır.

Pedicure Prices 

Pina Beauty Salon has various pedicure services in Maltepe centre. These are applications such as basic pedicure, French pedicure, callus treatment and hot stone pedicure. Also included are services like spa pedicures, paraffin pedicures, and gel pedicures, depending on your needs. 

How Many Days Should Manicure Be Done?

Every individual should perform manicure and pedicure care at regular intervals. This is a necessary thing to maintain and improve the health of hands and feet. The frequency and duration of these maintenance changes depending on the type of service you will receive. For example, basic manicure treatments should be done every two to three weeks. In addition, Gel manicures last up to two weeks.

How Many Days Should Pedicure Be Done?

Manicure and pedicure treatments should be done at regular intervals. However, unlike Manicure, Pedicure treatments are more durable and do not require frequent maintenance. Basic pedicure treatments protect your feet for three to six weeks. Of course, a person's lifestyle and working style can reduce or shorten these periods. If you want to have detailed information on the subject, you can contact us via Pina Beauty Salon Maltepe manicure pedicure Form or WhatsApp .

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