Regional Slimming

Regional Slimming

Regional Weight Loss is a method of getting rid of weight in certain parts of the body. Due to today's changing food and lifestyles, rapid weight gain unfortunately creates a big problem. While it is easy to gain rapidly gained weight, it is equally difficult to lose it. However, regional slimming devices developed with advancing technology help us get rid of these kilos permanently.

 Regional slimming procedures are performed by Nurhayat Erciş, the founder of Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon and a 35-year-old expert trainer. For a free preliminary assessment, use the Form on the right or WhatsApp You can share your images and information with us through our account. Our expert will contact you as soon as possible in line with your evaluations.


Bölgesel zayıflama nedir? 

Bölgesel zayıflama, vücudun belirli bölgelerindeki yağ dokusunu azaltmayı amaçlayan bir yöntemdir.

Bölgesel zayıflama ile kaç kilo verilir?

Bölgesel zayıflama, vücudun belirli bölgelerindeki yağ dokusunu azaltmak için yapılan bir yöntemdir. Bölgesel zayıflama ile kaç kilo verileceği, kişinin başlangıç kilosu, yaşı, cinsiyeti, metabolizma hızı, beslenme alışkanlıkları ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyi gibi faktörlere bağlıdır. Genel olarak, bölgesel zayıflama ile ortalama 2-5 kilo arasında bir kilo kaybı sağlanabilir. Ancak, bu yöntem tek başına yeterli değildir. Bölgesel zayıflama ile birlikte sağlıklı ve dengeli bir beslenme programı ve düzenli egzersiz yapmak, kilo vermenin ve ideal vücut ölçülerine ulaşmanın en etkili yollarıdır.

G5 Massage

Özel bir cihaz yardımı ile yapılan G5 masajında uzmanımız hızlı titreşimler kullanır. Bu nedenle, masajın ritmik hareketleri bölgesel zayıflamada etkilidir. Bu cihazla vücutta bulunan fazla yağ ve ödemler titreşimlerle ortadan kalkar. Aynı şekilde kan akışını düzenleyen cihaz selülit tedavisinde de kullanılır.G5 masajıhakkında detaylı bilgiyi sayfamız içinde aynı başlık altında inceleyebilirsiniz.

Regional Slimming

Regional slimming is easily possible thanks to the developed technological devices. Many people resort to various methods for regional slimming. Hormonal disorders cause weight gain. Especially the wrong diet and unconscious drug use cause weight gain. Disproportionate weight gain of the body and resistant fat layer cause an undesirable appearance. As a result, the person feels uncomfortable. Many people follow sports activities and diet to get rid of excess fat. But unfortunately, the desired results cannot be achieved with these efforts. Regional slimming is mostly applied in areas such as the belly, arms, legs and hips. Our Pina Maltepe Beauty salon specialist examines the person's needs. Determines the technique and device to be used in line with the requirement. Those who want to have smooth and proportionate body lines can achieve successful results thanks to technological devices. Contact.

What is Passive Gymnastics?

Passive gymnastics is one of the innovative practices that helps you lose excess weight and tightens the body. In short, passive gymnastics allows you to have a toned body without exerting great effort. One of the most popular practices in our gym is passive gymnastics. Before the application, our Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon specialist carefully examines the person's muscle structure and body anatomy. Passive gymnastics is performed in line with personalized programs. First, our expert applies low voltage electricity to the area with the help of special pads. Thus, it allows the muscles to work. If our specialist deems it appropriate, he applies passive gymnastics to more than one area. Thus, it works the muscles in different regions simultaneously. In this way, during passive gymnastics, the body spends energy as if it showed physical strength. After the application, the person continues his daily life normally. Everyone except those with pacemakers and pregnant women can do this. The procedure is applied 3-5 times a week in a package of 15 sessions.

 Regional Weight Loss Prices

Regional slimming prices, preferred by people who want to have tight and distinct lines, are a matter of curiosity. However, prices vary depending on the nature of the application. For this reason, you can learn the latest regional slimming prices from our Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon. 

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Those Who Do Passive Gymnastics

Passive gymnastics is a muscle strengthening treatment performed by exercising the muscles in the body. It is applied to prevent sagging that occurs with weight loss and to tighten the body. It is adjusted according to the person's needs. Thanks to this feature, it provides slimming, tightening or edema relief to anyone who wants it. Some regions where it is used:

Chest-butt lifting, abdomen-back toning, leg tightening and more.

After passive gymnastics treatment, the person should drink plenty of water, so that the broken down fat tissues are eliminated from the body faster.

  • People with pacemakers,

  • Those who have had a major surgery,

  • People with epilepsy,

  • Those who are on or near their menstrual period,

  • Heart, varicose veins and reproductive areas

Does not practice passive gymnastics.


Bölgesel Zayıflama Öncesi Sonrası

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