Spot Treatment

Spot Treatment

Spot treatmentare methods of getting rid of the spots that you do not want to see on our skin. Over the years, unwanted spots occur on the skin due to many reasons. Sunspots, Acne, Scar, Acne spots and burns and scars, which are formed over time, are of course undesirable spots on the skin. However, there are also solutions to get rid of stains.

 If you wish, to get more detailed information Form on the right for a free preliminary assessment or WhatsApp You can share your images and information with us through our account.  Our specialist will contact you as soon as possible. Our spot treatments are carried out by Nurhayat Erciş, the founder of Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon and a 35-year expert trainer.


Skin Spot Treatment

Skin spot treatment now it is very developed today and there are many methods to get rid of the problem. The secretion of melanin in the skin determines the color tone of the skin. However, for many reasons, imbalances in this secretion cause color tone changes in some areas of the skin.

  • Genetic birthmarks
  • Stains caused by using the wrong skin product
  • Stains of structural defects in the pigments that give skin color
  • Sunlight spots
  • Spots of acne, acne, scar formations
  • Stains caused by injury, burning
  • Rash and infection spots as a result of illness

The most effective spot treatment 

  • Laser Treatment: With the fractional laser, which is highly effective, laser treatment is applied, which makes the upper layer of the skin peeling and regenerating.
  • Chemical Peel: It makes skin peeling with fruit acids, namely glycolic acid. Thus, it cleans the skin from the stained upper skin.
  • Mesotherapy: It uses micro needles in this process. With these needles, some stain removal ingredients are applied under the skin.
  • Blemish Mask: The stain mask consists of a special mixture prepared according to the structure of the stain in the area. The prepared mask waits for the specified hours on the skin.

Acne Treatment

Acne treatment destroys acne scars. In fact, acne is a problem that mostly occurs during adolescence. Some acne can pass without scars, while others leave uncomfortable images. With correctly determined and applied treatments, acne scars can be destroyed.

  • Particularly, fractional laser application is a treatment method that gives very successful results. With the applied laser treatment, the stem cells in the upper layer of the skin are activated. As cell formation is revived, the skin regenerates the stained area by producing new cells. Sessions lasting about 1 hour are done up to 3 sessions.
  • A second method is chemical peeling. This process peels and cleans the upper layer of the skin with the help of exfoliating agents. Since new cell formation is supported, the skin begins to weave the area with its fresh cell structure.
  • With the golden needle treatment, the elastin and collagen structure of the skin is stimulated, providing production and repair. Recommended for light and moderate scars, this treatment is also effective on acne scars, wrinkles and cracks.
  • Dermapen application also stimulates the skin's elastin and collagen production. This process, which creates micro-incisions, actually takes advantage of the skin's accelerated cell formation to heal these cuts.
  • In Thulium laser, babyface application, the laser creates micro channels on the skin surface. Thus, the invigorating compounds are activated. Babyface application is also used to lighten skin spots.
Dermaroller Spot Treatment

Dermaroller spot treatment is done thanks to the micro channels opened on the skin surface by the needles on the roller. These incisions on the skin surface are not painful. Since these micro channels are perceived as wounds for the skin, the skin immediately begins to repair with new cell formations. Ultimately, thanks to this repair, the skin gets rid of blemishes. The procedure is applied 4 or 6 times, with 2 to 4 weeks in between. In addition, Dermaroller increases the effect of the applied spot creams on the skin. 

Acne Treatment

Acne treatment, the damage left by recurrent and heavy cystic acne in the same area of the skin, is called acne - scar mark. There are many methods for the treatment of acne scars as we know them today. Particularly, fractional laser method, chemical peeling and gold needle application are successful in these scars, which are generally seen as collapses. The one on the right Form or WhatsApp You will be contacted by making a preliminary evaluation with your acne scar images that you will send over the internet.

Let's examine two of these applications;

Fractional Laser peels the tissues of the upper surface of the skin. In fact, by triggering collagen production with laser beam, it provides the treatment of the damaged area. 3-4 sessions of regional scar treatment will suffice for After the treatment, the person especially protects the area from sunlight.

Gold needle therapy is very effective when used with fractional laser. The process, which heats the skin tissues, accelerates the regeneration with collagen and the formation of new cells, and ensures the repair of the area. For effective result 3-4 Session The process is applied in all seasons.

Facial Spot Treatment

Congenital or acquired stains are very annoying, especially in the face area. But with developing chemistry and technological methods, the procedures also achieve successful results in facial stains. Since each stain will have its own characteristics, it must undergo a preliminary evaluation. In Pina Maltepe Beauty Saloon, the pre-evaluation and treatment method decision for our banana spot treatments is made by our 35-year expert trainer Nurhayat Erciş. You can fill out the form on the right for a free preliminary evaluation. Moreover, WhatsApp You can share your images and information with us through our account. Our expert will contact you as soon as possible with your evaluation.

As with all stains, before the treatment of facial stains, our specialist determines the skin structure of the person, the reason for the formation of the stain, its density and depth. If there is no irritation, itching or inflammation on the skin, he decides on the treatment method. 

Acne Treatment

With the medical definition of acne as we know it, acne is a dermatological problem that is seen especially in adolescence and causes the formation of spots and scars. If acne formation is caused by hormones, of course, the hormone level should be normalized for its treatment. Apart from this, it is necessary to keep the skin clean and a healthy diet with low oil and spice ratio in order to prevent acne or its pre-treatment. It is also important to keep the skin clean and to use quality make-up materials. For more detailed information about acne treatment, you can share your information with us via the Form or WhatsApp. 

Sun Spot Treatment

Changes in the level of melanin, which is the color structure of the skin, due to sunlight is called melasma. Melasma sunspots occur mostly in women. It usually occurs symmetrically on both sides of the face. Sunspots, especially in the face area, are also found on the nose, lips and forehead. Laser therapy, chemical peeling, cryotherapy (spot freezing) are methods of getting rid of sunspots. For some stain treatment, successful results are achieved if both laser and chemical peeling are applied together. After the treatment, the person;

  • It uses a high factor sunscreen cream in all seasons to prevent sunspots.
  • No solarium.
  • It protects the skin from the sun's rays after all kinds of procedures on the skin.
  • Since there is a hormonal change during pregnancy, she comes out prepared for sunlight again.

Spot Treatment Prices

Spot treatment prices vary according to the characteristics of the existing stain. Treatment prices also vary according to which treatment method will be decided and the number of sessions. You can get the most accurate information on this subject by consulting our salon.

The skin care you will have regularly in our Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon will always refresh your skin healthily and prevent the formation of blemishes. All information about skin care, which is one of our wide range of services,Skin careYou can find the details on our page.

 Leke tedavisinde en etkili yöntem nedir?

Leke tedavisinde en etkili yöntem, lekenin nedenine ve cilt tipine uygun bir tedavi planı oluşturmaktır.

Genel olarak, leke tedavisinde kullanılan yöntemler şunlardır:

Krem tedavisi: Hidrokinon, arbutin, glikolik asit, C vitamini ve kojik asit içeren kremler, ciltteki renk üretimini azaltarak lekelerin açılmasına yardımcı olur. Retinol içeren kremler ise cildi soyarak lekelerin giderilmesine katkı sağlar. Krem tedavisi genellikle diğer yöntemlerle birlikte uygulanır.
Kimyasal peeling: Cilt yüzeyindeki ölü hücreleri ve pigmentleri uzaklaştırmak için asitli solüsyonların uygulanmasıdır. Glikolik asit, salisilik asit ve trikloroasetik asit gibi farklı asitler kullanılabilir. Kimyasal peeling, yüzeysel ve orta derinlikteki lekelerin tedavisinde etkilidir.
Lazer tedavisi: Ciltteki pigmentleri ısı ile parçalayan ışınların uygulanmasıdır. Lazer tedavisi, derin ve inatçı lekelerin tedavisinde daha başarılıdır. Lazer tedavisinde kullanılan cihazlar arasında Q Switched Nd-Yag, Fraksiyonel CO2 ve Fractora sayılabilir.
Dermapen: Cilt yüzeyine çok ince iğnelerle mikro kanallar açarak cildin yenilenmesini ve lekelerin azalmasını sağlayan bir yöntemdir. Dermapen, akne izleri gibi çukurlu lekelerin tedavisinde de etkilidir.

Lekelere kesin çözüm nedir?

Lekelere kesin çözüm, tek bir yöntemle sağlanamaz. Lekelerin tamamen yok olması için birden fazla yöntemin kombinasyonu gerekebilir. Ayrıca leke tedavisinin başarısı için cildi güneşten korumak, sağlıklı beslenmek ve düzenli bakım yapmak da önemlidir.

Leke tedavisi kaç seans sürer?

Leke tedavisi kaç seans sürer sorusunun net bir cevabı yoktur. Leke tedavisinin süresi, lekenin türüne, büyüklüğüne, derinliğine ve yaygınlığına bağlıdır. Ayrıca kullanılan yöntemin etkinliği ve kişinin cilt yapısı da süreyi etkiler. Genel olarak, leke tedavisi 4-12 seans arasında değişebilir.

Lekeler en hızlı nasıl geçer?

Lekeler en hızlı nasıl geçer sorusunun da tek bir cevabı yoktur. Lekelerin hızlı bir şekilde geçmesi için, lekenin nedenini belirlemek, uygun bir tedavi yöntemi seçmek, tedaviye düzenli olarak devam etmek ve cildi güneşten korumak gerekir. Ayrıca evde uygulanabilecek doğal maskeler, yağlar ve bitkiler de lekelerin açılmasına destek olabilir. Ancak bu yöntemlerin etkisi klinik yöntemler kadar güçlü değildir.

Birlikte yaptırabileceğiniz işlemlerden bazıları; Wax, Laser Epilation, Ice Laser Epilation, iğneli epilasyon , Altın oran kaş alımı. Kalıcı Makyaj uygulamaları


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