Needle Epilation

Needle Epilation

Needle epilation, also known as electrolysis, is a permanent hair removal method that involves inserting a small needle into the hair follicle and using electric current to destroy the hair follicle.

Pina İğneli Epilasyon Maltepe Güzellik salonu ‘nun kurucusu 35 yıllık uzman eğitmen Nurhayat Erciş tarafından Maltepe iğneli epilasyon işlemleri yapılmaktadır. Ücretsiz ön değerlendirme için sağ taraftaki Formu or WhatsApp hesabımız over görsellerinizi ve bilgilerinizi bizimle paylaşabilirsiniz. En kısa sürede sizinle iletişime geçilecektir.


Maltepe Needle Epilation 

In the Needle Epilation process, all the work is done on the needle at the tip of the special pen connected to the device. In fact, this needle is so thin that it cannot be felt even when it enters the hair follicle completely.

Our application expert applies the process as follows;

First of all, before starting the epilation process, our specialist applies local anesthesia to the relevant area. Thus, it ensures a comfortable procedure without any pain.

In the procedure, first, a very thin, sterile needle is slowly inserted into the hair follicle. It applies the appropriate amount of electric current to each hair follicle one by one. Thus, it destroys the hair follicle and even renders it dysfunctional. Then, he removes the dead hair with the help of tweezers. In our salon, you receive the treatment in a sterile, painless and comfortable manner. The number of sessions varies depending on the hair structure of the area, its type, and the pain threshold of the person applying it. In fact, the amount of current given to the hair follicle also changes depending on these. Communication.


Needle Epilation Prices

Needle Epilation prices vary depending on regional or full epilation options. First of all, it should be said that it is a personalized application. Since everyone's skin and hair structure is different, the price actually varies accordingly. To get more information about needle epilation prices, you can share your images with us via the form on the right or our WhatsApp account.

After Needle Epilation

There will be some redness and swelling in the application area. Actually, it depends on the person's skin sensitivity. It eases and passes within a few hours. In addition, if pain is felt very rarely, it is sufficient for the person to use painkillers or numbing cream. Our Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon expert gives you information about what to pay attention to after the procedure.

Yüze İğneli Epilasyon Sonrası Bakım

Yüz bölgesi hassas olduğu için işlem sonrası bakımına da dikkat etmek gerekir. Pina Güzellik Salonu uzmanımızın uyarılarına göre kişi işlemden sonra yüzü temiz tutar. İşlem bölgesine soğuk kompres yaparak şişlik var ise sakinlemesini sağlar.  Güneş ışığından yüzünü özellikle korur.

How Many Sessions Does Needle Epilation Take?

It is determined individually. Because various factors such as the size of the epilated area, hair density and hair growth cycle are effective here. Pina Beauty Salon determines special treatment sessions according to your needs.

Cream After Needle Epilation

After the application, the specialist will definitely recommend a cream for the redness and swelling that will occur in the area. With regular use of the cream, the problem disappears quickly. Our salon specialist will already give you information about the cream used after the procedure.

Comments of Those Who Had Needle Epilation on the Face

Facial hair is generally weak and light colored. Mustache and beard areas are darker in color. The specialist does this with electrical pulses determined according to the characteristics of each hair. Contrary to popular belief, weak and light colored feathers are more resistant. With the required number of sessions determined individually, skin hair will no longer grow. Maltepe epilation application performed in our salon makes your skin smooth. Ice Laser ve Laser Epilation You can also review our page if you wish. Needle epilation procedures are performed by Nurhayat Erciş, a master trainer with 35 years of experience. You can visit us to get a free preliminary evaluation.

You can share your questions as comments.

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