Lip Coloring

Lip Coloring

Lip coloring in short, it is a permanent make-up application to make pale and undefined lips look lively and well-groomed with special permanent make-up paint.

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Lip Colorant

You can add natural volume and color to your lips with lip color. No one says no to fuller, more vibrant and well-groomed lips. Especially in recent years, this application is considered among the most popular permanent make-up techniques.

Before lip coloring techniques were developed, unfortunately, women would use lip liner or dermal fillers to enhance the appearance of their lips. However, the permanent lip contour application, whose popularity has increased especially in recent years, is applied to permanently change the color of the lips and make them more prominent. Its biggest advantage is that it provides practical make-up without straying from the natural look and makes the lip shape as clear as desired.

 Contour Coloring

Contour application is an application performed only on the outer frame of the lips in accordance with the color of the inside of the lips, especially to thicken thin lips or give them a fuller appearance..

Permanent Lip Coloring Inner Lip Procedure

It is a permanent procedure applied without leaving the outer frame of the lip. This provides a brighter and fuller appearance on the lips. All preferred colors can be applied easily.

Full Lip Treatment with lip tint

It is a permanent application applied to the lip frame and inside. After application, lips become thicker and more colorful at the same time.

The procedure consists of 2 sessions. Free retouching is done 1 month after the first procedure. The entire process takes 90 minutes. Its permanence is between 18 -36 months.

Permanent Lip Coloring

Permanent lip coloring is a relatively permanent type of tattoo that is made using herbal dyes and gives color to the lips. With permanent lip contour application, there is no change in the shape and feel of the lips.

Lip Color Price

Dudak kontürü fiyatı, yapılacak işlemin türüne, kullanılacak malzemelere ve işlemin süresine bağlı. Dudak renklendirme fiyat bilgisi almak için Pina Maltepe güzellik salonumuz ile irtibata geçerek  güncel  Dudak renklendirici fiyat bilgisini alabilirsiniz. 

Lip Contour

In Lip Contour coloring, contouring is actually done only on the outer frame of the lips. In this way, the outer frame of the lips appears more prominent and the lips appear fuller. It is especially preferred to shape thin lips.

How Permanent Is Lip Coloring?

The lip coloring process is a permanent process that does not lose its initial appearance between 18-36 months. However, when the image is abandoned, the expert performs color fading.

Care After Lip Coloring

The healing process after the application is actually a short period of 3-4 days. It is normal to experience dryness, especially on the lips. For care during this process, Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon specialist will recommend moisturizers to you. Kalıcı Makyaj hizmetlerimiz.

How to Color Your Lips Permanently? Are you not happy with the color of your lips? Don't want to use lip liner or lipstick?

Then lip tinting may be suitable for you. During the lip contouring process, a special pigment is injected into the lips. This pigment changes or enhances the natural color of the lips.

Is the lip coloring process painful?

The answer to this question may vary from person to person. While some people feel the procedure as a slight stinging or burning, others may feel slight pain. 

  •  İşlem öncesinde, Uzmanımız uygun bir anestezik krem veya sprey kullanmaktadır
  •  İşlem sonrasında, dudaklarınıza soğuk kompres uygulayabilirsiniz.
  • İşlem sonrasında, doktorunuzun tavsiye ettiği antibiyotik krem veya merhem kullanabilirsiniz.
  •  İşlem sonrasında, dudaklarınızı nemli tutmak için dudak balmı kullanabilirsiniz.
  •  İşlem sonrasında, baharatlı, asitli veya tuzlu yiyeceklerden kaçınabilirsiniz.

When lip contouring is done correctly and care is taken, it can give the lips a fuller and more attractive appearance. 

Birlikte yaptırabileceğiniz işlemlerden bazıları; Wax, Laser Epilation, Ice Laser Epilation, iğneli epilasyon, cilt bakımı , Altın oran kaş alımı. Kalıcı Makyaj uygulamaları

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