Ice Laser Epilation

Ice Laser Epilation

Ice Laser epilation is one of the device types of laser epilation. Today's modern man desires to get rid of unwanted hair in order to preserve his contemporary appearance. Many people choose epilation for various reasons, such as saving time and hygiene. Laser applications, one of the epilation methods, offer a permanent solution.

  Ice laser application is done by the founder of Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon, 35-year expert trainer Nurhayat Erciş. For a free preliminary assessment, use the Form on the right or WhatsApp You can share your images and information with us through our account. As a result of your evaluation, our specialist will contact you as soon as possible.



Ice Laser Epilation 

Painless, painless and advanced technology devices are used during the application with ice laser hair removal. In addition to the Alexandrite device, the application of the device called Ice laser is also preferred in our salon. Both applications achieve definite success as a result of the determined sessions. For our Alexandrite device implementation, the normal Laser Hair Removal'. Our specialist will help you decide which laser application will be beneficial for you. If you wish, you can send us your questions and images via Form or WhatsApp and free pre-evaluation You can take.

Buz Lazer Nedir?

Ice Laser epilation is a painless epilation system with permanent results and long-term clinical research results. In fact, the comfort of massage and the ironing system become the reason for preference for painless sessions for clients. The ice laser, in which 3 different wavelengths are used in one device, is also FDA approved. Ice Laser splits energy as a working system and works less energy. It is a painless and effective system with 10 shots per second ironing method. It is even effective on light-colored and weak hairs with the gradual heating method it uses. Ice laser protects the skin surface, thus minimizing the possibility of blemishes and burns on the skin. As a result, clients especially prefer ice laser as it keeps the skin cold during the application with the cooling cap.

Ice Laser Advantages

  • First of all, the application is painless and painless.
  • It is result oriented. It gives precise results.
  • It reaches light colored and weakly structured hairs that many applications do not see.
  • It is also effective on dark skin.
  • The sessions are in the comfort of a massage thanks to the ice cap.

Buz lazer epilasyon nedir?

The application provides a comfortable and easy session with its gradual heating method and its ice-cooling head. Although the number of sessions varies according to the condition of the client, the treatment is usually completed in 4-6 sessions. Session times are between 5-10 minutes in the face and armpit area. Other areas take an average of 15 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on the application area.

Buz Lazer Epilasyon Fiyatlar

Ice laser prices vary according to the application area and the number of sessions. Contact us you can reach it.

Does Ice Laser Hurt?

Ice laser hair removal is not completely painless. However, the pain felt is almost negligible compared to other epilation methods. Our expert, who does ironing together with massage movements in the application performed in our Pina Maltepe Beauty Saloon, quickly completes the session. With the ice cap of our device, it cools the entire application area down to -3 degrees, thus providing a comfortable session.

Ice Laser or Normal Laser?

Although the laser gave precise solutions, it also brought the feeling of pain since it was a beam that went deep into the hair root. However, in parallel with the developing technology, new laser epilation devices have been added. The last application ice laser minimizes the feeling of pain with the cold applied ice cap. Thus, the laser method, which achieves precise results, now offers trouble-free sessions. In Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon, both normal laser and ice laser epilation applications are performed. The number of methods and sessions varies according to the skin structure of the client, the area to be epilated and the hair structure. Our experts will present you as a suggestion by examining your skin, about which laser method is advantageous for you. You can view all the information about laser hair removal under the heading 'laser hair removal' on our page.

Ice Laser or Alexandrite?

Lazer epilasyon için karar verenler için ‘Buz lazer mi Alexandrite mı?’ sorusu yanıt arar. Aslında her iki yöntem de kesin sonuçlar veren uygulamalardır. Buz lazeri diğer yöntemden ayıran temel unsur buz başlığı sayesinde acısız olmasıdır. Bir diğer ayrıcalık da Alexandrite lazerin göremediği zayıf yapılı ve açık renkli tüy köklerine de ulaşabiliyor olmasıdır.  Bunun yanında Alexandrite lazerde koyu renkli ve kalın tüylerde oldukça başarılı sonuçlar verir. Pina Maltepe Güzellik Salonu, lazer epilasyon uygulamalarında her iki cihazda kullanılmaktadır. Her iki cihazın da farklı özellikleri olduğundan farklı alanlarda daha başarılıdır. Uzman, cildinizin rengi, kıl yapısı, uygulama bölgesi dahil tüm bilgilerinizi değerlendirerek, sizi en doğru seçeneğe yönlendirir.

Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon Needle Epilation It has been at your service for 22 years in the same place for all your epilation needs, including hair removal.

Buz lazer epilasyon etkili mi?

Buz lazer epilasyon, kıl köklerini dondurarak yok etmeyi amaçlayan bir yöntemdir. Bu yöntem, diğer lazer türlerine göre daha az acı verici ve daha az yan etkili olduğu için tercih edilmektedir. Buz lazer epilasyonun etkili olması için, seans sayısı, seans aralığı ve cilt tipine uygun lazer cihazının seçilmesi önemlidir. Genellikle 6-8 seans arasında istenilen sonuca ulaşılabilmektedir. Buz lazer epilasyon, kıl dönmeleri, batıklar ve kılcal damar sorunlarını da çözmeye yardımcı olur.

Birlikte yaptırabileceğiniz işlemlerden bazıları; Wax, Laser Epilation, Ice Laser Epilation, iğneli epilasyon, cilt bakımı , Altın oran kaş alımı. Kalıcı Makyaj uygulamaları

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