Lash Lifting

Lash Lifting Maltepe

Eyelash Lifting is a method for the appearance of full and voluminous eyelashes (Maltepe Lash Lifting). It establishes communication first with the eyes. And eyelashes complement the eyes. In fact, an eye without prominent eyelashes doesn't mean much. However, with well-groomed long eyelashes, the eye gains depth. Although there are various methods to look beautiful today, eyelash lifting gives the most natural look. With this application, eyelashes gain fullness and volume. WhatsApp or Form You can send us the questions you are curious about.

In the application performed at our Pina Maltepe beauty salon, our expert gives your eyelashes the desired shape. In addition, after the procedure at Pina Maltepe beauty salon, the eyebrows are nourished with protein care.


What is Eyelash Lifting?

What is eyelash lamination? We briefly answer the question: It is the process of giving fullness to eyelashes with vitamin supplements. First of all, the products used in the eyelash lamination process are very important. The process is completed with specially produced products and vitamin supplements that provide volume and fullness.

Maltepe Lash Lifting
The application is done in the following stages in our Pina Beauty Salon;

First of all, our specialist tightens the eyelashes, in other words, the eyelashes gain volume with the keratin and vitamins used in lifting. In addition, it also applies pigment. Special pads are applied to the eyelids to create an upward curve of the eyelashes. Thus, it performs scanning and fixing on the pads. This process, known as eyelash perm, achieves a very effective look.

For care after the eyelash lamination application, eyelashes must be protected from water for the first 24 hours. The aim here is to provide maximum benefit from the keratin, pigment and vitamin cures used. In addition, no attention is required after the 24-hour period. Sauna, Steam bath, Spa, Sea and Pool It does not harm eyelash lifting.

How Permanent is Lash Lifting?

This process, especially applied to straight eyelashes, takes approximately 45 minutes. The procedure maintains its effect for an average of 2 months

Does eyelash lifting hurt?

The answer to this question varies from person to person. While some people find the eyelash lifting procedure comfortable and painless, others may feel a slight burning sensation. This feeling is usually caused by chemical solutions applied to the eyelashes. You can minimize possible discomfort if you keep your eyes closed during the eyelash lamination process.

Lifting Kirpik

Lifting Lash  is actually applied mostly to downward lashes. It is the process of making downward-curving eyelashes upward-curved.

Where are the best places to do eyelash lifting?

The most accurate answer to this question is Pina Beauty Salon, which has been serving in the same place for 22 years. With quality eyelash lifting, our salon Pina Maltepe Beauty Salon provides you with the desired look on your eyelashes.

Eyelash Lamination is very effective, especially for people whose eyelashes point downwards. Its application is in stages as follows. First, the specialist separates the eyelashes one by one. He applies a special solution and directs it all upwards. In fact, this application waits up to 20 minutes for the lash direction to set. After all, the expert cleans the eyelashes with lotion. Afterwards, the eyelashes are revitalized more naturally with keratin filler. The person returns to his normal life immediately after the application.

What is Eyelash Lamination?

Eyelash lamination is a process applied to reveal the natural beauty of your eyelashes. During eyelash lamination, a special solution is applied to your eyelashes and your eyelashes are glued onto a mold. In this way, your eyelashes will reach the curliness you want.

Another step of eyelash lamination is to apply a mask mixed with keratin, vitamins and oils to your eyelashes. This mask nourishes and protects your eyelashes. Eyelash lamination takes approximately 45 minutes and its effect lasts for 6-8 weeks. After having eyelash lamination, you do not need to apply mascara to your eyelashes.

eyelash lamination price

Kirpik laminasyonu, kirpiklerinizi daha dolgun, kıvrık ve uzun gösteren bir güzellik işlemidir. Kirpik laminasyonu fiyatı, kullanılan malzeme ve markaya, uygulama süresine ve salonun kalitesine göre değişebilir.
Kaş laminasyonu fiyat hizmet kapsamına göre size özel fiyat almak için salonumuzla iletişime geçiniz.

Birlikte yaptırabileceğiniz işlemlerden bazıları; Wax, Laser Epilation, Ice Laser Epilation, iğneli epilasyon, cilt bakımı , Altın oran kaş alımı. Kalıcı Makyaj uygulamaları

Eyelash Lift Before After

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