Maltepe Laser Hair Removal 

Maltepe Laser Hair Removal

Lazer epilasyon ile istenmeyen tüyler özgürlüğünüze engel olmasın. Maltepe lazer epilasyon merkezi ile günümüz modern bireylerinin, pratik ve hijyen yaşam isteği lazer epilasyon uygulamaları sayesinde çözülmektedir. Periyodik olarak diğer tüylerden kurtulma yöntemleri yerine lazer epilasyon uygulaması ile sorunu kökünden çözümler, ömür boyu rahat edersiniz.

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Lazer Epilasyon Maltepe

Enjoying a smooth skin, Enjoy a smooth beauty anywhere, anytime with effective laser epilation even on thin and dark skin. It is the dream of all individuals to get rid of hair in certain parts of the body with the application to be made in Maltepe.

Pina beauty salon, which has been serving this sector for 22 years, allows you to get rid of your unwanted hair with peace of mind with its experience. In addition to the devices with Maltepe Laser epilation application, if desired Maltepe needle epilation.

Now, let's give you detailed information about laser hair removal.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Epilation is a method of getting rid of unwanted hair with the simplest definition preferred by modern people for its appearance and hygiene. Laser epilation is one of the methods of getting rid of unwanted hair permanently and healthily.

Unlike conventional light, laser light is produced when light propagates in a straight beam at a single wavelength. In this case, the method of applying the laser energy to the hair follicles is called laser epilation. Laser epilation is basically to neutralize the hair follicle bulb under the skin. In this process, the beam reaches the hair root by passing through the epidermis, hypodermis and dermis layers of the skin. Laser beam treatment is a completely medical process and only causes damage to the hair follicles without damaging any structure. The laser applied to the skin with millisecond pulses, It is absorbed by the melanin pigment, which gives its color, and concentrates in the hair root. It destroys the effectiveness of the hair root by means of heat. Thus, after the session package, the tissue to be treated will not be able to produce hair again. Laser hair removal is not a method that harms the body. The process only targets the hair follicles without damaging the skin and sweat glands, and FDA gives permanent results. approved.

How Many Sessions Does Laser Epilation Last?

Seans sayısı ve kullanılacak yöntem aslında kişilerin cilt yapıları, hormon durumu ve kullanılan ilaçlara göre değişkenlik gösterir. Ortalama olarak 8 seansta süreç tamamlanır. Ancak bazı zorlu kıl köklerine etki etmek için daha fazla seans sayısı gerekir. Pina Maltepe güzellik salonu olarak en son teknolojiye sahip cihazlarımız ile can yakmadan, hassasiyetle uygulanır. Lazer epilasyon Maltepe de verdiğimiz kaliteli hizmetle sizlere %90 oranında başarı garantisi veriyoruz. 4 ve 8 hafta aralığında gerçekleştirilen toplam sekiz seans sonunda, pürüzsüz bir vücuda kavuşursunuz.

Lazer Epilasyon Hangi Bölgelere Uygulanır?

Laser hair removal is a method that is applied to many body parts with the right device.

For women; between the eyebrows, above the eyebrows, above the lip, chin, play, face, armpit, arm, leg, chest, nipple/ between, bikini area and genital(private) area

Şimdi bu bölge uygulamalarından en çok talep görenleri biraz inceleyelim;

Laser Epilation Application to the Face

It is a short-term, painless application. First, the hairs in the facial area are shortened. Gel is applied to the face and laser application is started. The application takes about 15 minutes. Maltepe beauty salon uses Alexandrite device is extremely suitable for face application provides maximum efficiency.

Underarm Laser Epilation Application

It is the destruction of hair follicles in the region by laser application. With repeated sessions, the area is permanently cleaned. It is a short-term process. Depending on the hair structure of the person It achieves success in the range of 6 to 8 sessions. The Alexandrite device is highly compatible for this region and the result is successful. device.

Arm Laser Hair Removal Application

The arm area is highly preferred in Maltepe Laser epilation. The hairs here are weaker and thinner than other parts of the body. Area epilation gives effective results regardless of hair type. In general, the transaction ends in 8 sessions.

Leg Laser Hair Removal Application

Epilasyon uygulamaları arasında en olumlu sonucu veren bacak bölgesidir. Alt bacak kılları daha koyu renkli olduğu için ilk seansta bile %50 dökülme gösterir. Ancak üst bacak kılları daha incedir. Bu nedenle aynı sürede aynı sonucu vermez. Bacak bölgesinde pürüzsüz bir görüntüye sahip olmak için 8-10 seans aralığı yeterlidir.

Genital area Laser epilation – Private Region Laser Epilation Application

Genital laser epilation – private area laser epilation is also a very comfortable procedure. Laser application can be easily applied in the private area as well. After the applications in sessions, the hair roots weaken and disappear over time. Again, with the Alexandrite device and its special head, maximum hygiene and results are obtained in the private area.

Laser Considerations Before Hair Removal

Before the first laser application, in order for the application to be efficient;

  • Epilator, tweezers and threading should not be done in waxing that removes hair from the root for about a month. Only razoring should be done.
  • There should be no tanning with natural or solarium method until 15 days before.
  • In fact, since depilatory creams do not penetrate the roots, there is no harm in using them.
  • If a peeling product is used (retinoic acid, glycolic acid), it is left 15 days before.

Considerations After Laser Hair Removal

Its application does not affect daily life.

  • It is natural for some sensitive skin to have slight pinkness or swelling in the hair follicles after the application. In this case, the skin returns to normal after an average of half an hour.
  •  After the procedure, hot water should not be applied to the area for the first 24 hours.
  • If laser hair removal has been applied to exposed areas of the skin, sunscreen should be used in sunny weather to prevent skin stains.
  • The roots of the hairs in the treated area begin to grow and fall out within 3 to 10 days or come out easily when pulled by hand. This is an indication that the hair follicles are weakened and that laser epilation is effective.
  • Make-up materials are easily applied to the treated area.

Ice Laser 

Ice laser In addition to the Alexandrite device, Ice laser device application is a preferred application in our hall in Maltepe. Both applications achieve definite success as a result of the determined sessions. With our FDA approved ice cap device, epilation is performed with minimal pain. Ice laser is also successful in light colored and weak hairs. It protects the skin surface, thus minimizing the possibility of stains and burns on the skin. Pina Maltepe Laser Hair Removal Center.

Diode laser

Diode laser is a laser treatment method used to get rid of unwanted hair. It stops hair production by heating the black pigment in the hair follicles. It can be applied according to all skin types and seasons. Ice laser is also a variant of diode laser.

Ice Laser or Normal Laser?

Our experts can answer this question after examining your hair follicle. It will not be healthy to decide on the most suitable device for you without looking at your skin and hair follicles.

Alexandrite or Ice laser?

Alexandrite mi buz lazer mi tercih edilmeli? Bu soru lazer epilasyon yaptırmaya karar verenler için merak edilen bir konu. Her iki cihazın da farklı özellikleri olduğundan farklı alanlarda daha başarılıdır. Cihazların özellikle  lazer ışını dalga boyları da dahil olmak üzere bazı farklılıkları vardır. Kullanım alanlarına örnek verilmesi gerekirse, alexandrite koyu kıl yapılı alanların tümünde başarılıdır. Buz lazer özellikle ayva tüyü ve açık renkli kıl yapılarında etkilidir.  Yüz bölgesinde hatta bikini ve genital bölgede buz lazer etkilidir.

Both devices are used in our salon. You can apply to our salon specialist to make a preliminary evaluation and decide on the device.

Is waxing better or laser?

Lazer epilasyon ilk olarak, istenmeyen tüylerde (hormonal bir sorun yoksa) %80-90 oranında kalıcı azalma sağlar. Bununla birlikte bu oran bazı kişilerde %95’e kadar çıkar. Wax ise tüy kök oluşumunu engelleyemez, kısacası kesin çözüm değildir. Bu nedenle tüyler periyodik olarak büyür ve tekrar tekrar alınması gerekir. Erkek lazer epilasyonu hakkında bilgi almak için.

How should the hairs that grow after the laser epilation is completely finished?

In some cases, hair may grow after the session, but these hairs will fall out within 2-3 weeks. For non-shedding hairs, a control session is requested. After the laser epilation is completely finished, the hairs that come out cannot be removed with methods such as waxing and tweezers. It is recommended to use only razor blades (except the face area).


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